16.05.2013 г.
Bow Master Japan / Майстор на лъка Япония
Стрелбата с лък е едно от най-древните занимания на човека датиращо от каменната ера (около 20 000 пр.н.е.).
Китайците пренасят стрелбата с лък в Япония през 6-ти век, като японците наричат едно от техните бойни изкуства kyujutsu (изкуството на лъка), сега по-известно като kyudo (пътя на лъка). Стрелецът стреля от 28 метра в цел с размер 36 см диаметър. Лъкът е дълъг 2,21 метра-направен от ламиниран бамбук и дърво.
През Гръко-Римския период лъкът все по-често се използва за лов или бойни действия. Близко-източните народи - асирийци, перси, хуните, монголите и турците завладяват с помощта му голяма част от Европа и Азия.
Популярността на Стрелбата с лък се дължи до голяма степен и на митологични фигури като Робин Худ , Вилхелм Тел или други герои от древногъцката митология. През 16 век с изобретяването на барута и пушката обаче , стрелбата с лък продължава да се развива единствено като спорт за състезания и забавление.
В Англия са използвали лъка предимно на войни.
Тренирай стрелба с лък. Прецени силата, вятъра и се опитайте да улучиш с всяка стрела най-близко до центъра на мишената.
Играй Bow Master Japan / Майстор на лъка Япония на www.urpu.net
Screen shots:
13.05.2013 г.
Age Of Speed 2 / Ерата на скоростта 2
Begin your interplanetary racing contest at the Saturn raceway, sat in the cockpit of your trusty Green Ooze (or whichever vehicle you choose). It's up to you to navigate the courses successfully picking up powerups and points as you go.
The driving is surprisingly smooth with turning and driving lines actually affecting performance. There's jumps and corkscrews and 'speed pads' to keep you concentrating. There's even missiles to pick up.
Drive using the arrow keys and press space to use any power-ups you might have.
Future planets get harder with no walls and more jumps and so your driving skills really get tested.
As always, let us know what you think of the game.
You can play Age of Speed 2 on www.urpu.net
Screen Shots:
Begin your interplanetary racing contest at the Saturn raceway, sat in the cockpit of your trusty Green Ooze (or whichever vehicle you choose). It's up to you to navigate the courses successfully picking up powerups and points as you go.
The driving is surprisingly smooth with turning and driving lines actually affecting performance. There's jumps and corkscrews and 'speed pads' to keep you concentrating. There's even missiles to pick up.
Drive using the arrow keys and press space to use any power-ups you might have.
Future planets get harder with no walls and more jumps and so your driving skills really get tested.
As always, let us know what you think of the game.
You can play Age of Speed 2 on www.urpu.net
Screen Shots:
Age Of Speed / Ерата на скоростта
This production is a 3D racing flash game :) In which we can use one of 4 great racing cars :) This cars differs only by they look but all drive the same way and have same driving abilities. For me game is very simple and give some fun from playing. I think its a good idea to spend some free time. For me game is ok and can be recommanded.
Master the race tracks of the future while mastering the turns, huge jumps, and curl curl into spirals and zig zags.
As always, let us know what you think of the game.
You can play Age of Speed on www.urpu.net
Screen Shots:
This production is a 3D racing flash game :) In which we can use one of 4 great racing cars :) This cars differs only by they look but all drive the same way and have same driving abilities. For me game is very simple and give some fun from playing. I think its a good idea to spend some free time. For me game is ok and can be recommanded.
Master the race tracks of the future while mastering the turns, huge jumps, and curl curl into spirals and zig zags.
As always, let us know what you think of the game.
You can play Age of Speed on www.urpu.net
Screen Shots:
7.05.2013 г.
Increase your pool level and challenge your friends on the table.
8 Ball Pool is an professional pool game that recreates the physics and game play of a traditional billiards game.
Firstly, enter your name and play against the computer or a human opponent (same computer or online). To play it you have to tap and move the cue and press and hold the bar to generate power of your shoot. There are single game play, one one against your friends and tournament based in regular 8 Ball rules.
When you play you're always increasing your level and facing a challenge. That means you play matches to get access to more match locations, where you'll find other players. Furthermore, in every competitive one on one match, there’ll be pool coins at stake. Pool Coins are the game’s virtual currency and you can spend these on entering higher ranked matches with higher stakes or buying new cues and powers in the Pool Shop.
Key Features
Play 1-vs-1, and soon on tournaments
Play matches to increase your level and get access to more exclusive match locations.
Pool Coins are the game’s virtual currency which you can win by playing matches. You can then spend these on entering higher ranked matches with higher stakes or buying new cues and powers in the Pool Shop.
Sign in with your Miniclip or Facebook accounts and you’ll be able to challenge your friends straight from the game.
As always, let us know what you think of the game.
You can play this game on www.urpu.net
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